Welcome to Robin's Nest

In the background, my very first Osmond poster.
Plus a picture of me as that young Osmond fan and an older me.
Hello everyone! First of all, I’d like to thank you for stopping by Osmondheaven.com. It started out as a little fan site called “The Osmond’s - My Soul & Inspiration”. A few years later I changed it to Osmondheaven.com. I started making this website back in 1999 adding only a few pictures and some info on each family member, but it has grown considerably since then. I started putting information on here that I just couldn’t find anywhere else. For instance:
- A page dedicated to the many picture sleeves that are out there from all over the world
- Foreign LP’s - A page dedicated to only their foreign LP’s
- Singles - Titles to their singles and on which LP you can find those singles on
- Charted Albums
- Charted Singles
- Lyrics to their songs
- Videos
- Audio clips
And so much more!
I love working on this site. Though it can get outdated sometimes, I try to keep it as current as possible.
My Osmond journey started back in 1971 when my mother came home with an album called The Donny Osmond Album. That was the beginning of this madness, and I believe she regrets it to this day. LOL!! She told me that she remembers me saying that I liked them on the Andy Williams show. I don't remember that, but I'm sure glad she did. As the months went by, I think she got sick of hearing the same album over and over again because she came home with another album called Donny Osmond: To You with Love AND Portrait of Donny. Two Donny albums at once, I couldn't believe it! My 10 year old heart swooned even more. A friend at school knew I loved the Osmonds so she brought me a poster (pictured above) that she had gotten from a magazine. I was so happy! It was my only Osmond poster for years, and it began to show. It was a four-page poster and poor Donny's nose ended up disappearing because he was in the center lol!
When I was about 11 years old, I was introduced to magazines like Tiger Beat, 16, Flip, and all of the others. Guess who bought me my first one? Yep, again it was my mother. Thank you, Mom! She came home one afternoon with a Tiger Beat magazine with Donny on the cover. Whenever I had money (which wasn’t very often), I would go to the store to purchase another magazine. I didn’t have many, but I loved what I had.
When I was 12, I remember purchasing my very first LP which was Donny’s A Time For Us. I saw it in our tiny local street corner store and ran home to get the $5 I had earned from babysitting and bought it. I walked home all proud, taking it out of the bag just so these teenaged girls who were coming my way could see it. I had no idea who they were. After they passed me, I could hear one girl say, “Ewww Donny Osmond!” Gasp! I was shocked and I couldn't believe my ears! How could she not like Donny Osmond? I just didn't understand lol!!! Anyway, I went home and played it and played it and played it. It's been my favorite LP of Donny's so far. Soon, I was getting Osmond Brothers albums and Donny & Marie albums and loving them just as much. I would even display them on my wall back in the 70's. It's been many years, and I still have all of my originals.
When the Donny & Marie shows started back in 1975, I was in pure Osmond heaven (ha!). I would sit in front of the TV every Friday night at 8 pm and record on audio tape all of their songs. Soon, I was audio recording the whole show. I still have those as well, but the audio quality has gone down quite a bit.
I was never lucky enough to see them in concert back in the 70s. I never had any friends who went to concerts, so the possibility of even seeing them in concert or in person never even crossed my mind. It was always looking for the next LP, the next TV appearance, or the next magazine to come out. That's all I knew.
The first time I saw an Osmond in concert was back in 1987 when Marie came to a town near me. Then in 1989, to my great joy, I found out that Donny was going to be performing in the next state over in Massachusetts! I got tickets and went to his Solder of Love show with my younger sister. It was December 2, 1989. It was so cool seeing him in person that day. The next time I saw him was in 1999 during his book signing tour. I saw Alan for the first time in 1991 or 1992 when his sons, The Osmond Boys, performed at the Big E in Massachusettes. I was able to get his autograph, but I was too shy to say anything to him.
In 1999, the internet had already exploded and I had made some wonderful Osmond friends. In November of 2001, my friends and I met Wayne, Merrill, Jay, and Jimmy in Branson. We were able to talk with them and get pictures and autographs. They were so sweet to us. It was amazing to be able to get that close to them, to speak with them as adults, not as screaming, crying teenagers. I've been lucky enough to see them many times over the past years.
In 2001 I went to Branson with some dear Osmond friends and saw Wayne, Merrill, Jay & Jimmy for the very first time ever. It was amazing! I was able to see the whole family (with the exeption of Mother Osmond) in 2003 at the Star Ceremony and again in 2007 at their 50th Anniversary.
My love for The Osmonds has brought me great joy. Some people might not understand but this family's music and values have profoundly impacted me. They symbolize my childhood and are a source of happy memories. I love collecting what I can on them. While I no longer experience the same giddiness as I did as a child, my appreciation for them remains strong. They’ve been fantastic role models, and I wouldn't be who I am without them.
I know many of you share these sentiments, and I hope this website brings back some wonderful memories for you.
Thank you again for visiting. I hope you come back soon!
Oslove Forever,
Pictures Taken with Various Osmonds
 With Osmond Boys 1991 or 1992 |
 With Donny 1999 |
 With Alan 1999 |
 With Jon 1999 |
.jpg) With Nate 1999 |
 With Michael 1999 |
 With Nate 1999 |
 With Scott 1999 |
 With Doug 1999 |
 With Donny 2000 |
 With Donny 2001 |
 With Merrill 2001 |
 With Wayne 2001 |
 With Jay 2001 |
 With Jimmy 2001 |
 With Jay 2001 |
 With Jay & Friends 2001 |
 With Marie 2001 |
 With Marie 2001 |
 With Donny 2001 |
 With Donny 2001 |
 With Marie 2002 |
 With Tom 2003 |
 With Osmonds 2003 |
 With Father Osmond 2003 |
 With Alex & Tyler 2003 |
 With Justin 2003 |
 W/Friends & Osmond Star 2003 |
 Jay, Jimmy & Jay 2007 |
 With Virl 2007 |
 Selfie With Donny 2014 |
 With Donny 2024 |